Quds Paints Industry was established in 1994. It started with two lines of products,Water-born Interior Walls putty and Cement-base tile adhesive.

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About Me

Lamis Mawafi is a Master of Fine Arts graduate from Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand. Her writing investigates ideas of immigration, traveling and memory and her art practice attempts to give material form to these experiences and interests.

After achieving her MFA qualification, Lamis undertook an ambitious arts and design embroidery project which was exhibited in public galleries in Wellington and Dunedin, New Zealand. On the basis of this project, she won the prestigious Sonja Davies Peace Award for highlighting the plight of Palestinian women today and introducing their traditional embroidery to a larger public.

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Lamis Projects


A fence is a free-standing structure, which could preclude your freedom. A fence could be made of wood, metal, or any other material; it could be made of twisted wires, through which you can see A fence could be a wall, made from solid brick or concrete. Such fences do not only block you from passing, they could also block your vision.

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16224.69814996 KM

16224.69814996km is the title of this project and it’s the distance between Jordan and New Zealand, and when I think of this number I don’t only think of it in geographical terms, I travel this distance, physically, emotionally, and culturally. And as practical as it may seem as a number, it’s not practical at all when you travel through it. <br> <br> I see this number like a strip. And this strip could be a line that curves back on itself, then moves ahead again…a movement in time, between past, present and future...the strip could be a road, could be weft crossing warp, It may get tangled sometimes, sometimes strong, and sometimes nearly breaking under tension. The strip could consist of so many strips. The strip may be twisted similar to Elizabeth Grosz’s description “…the inside and outside are continuous and one can move from one space to the other.”

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Treasury of Stitches

Sometimes you hear the news... and you know that there’s a war going on... you find the news unbearable... yet you have to absorb it like a bitter drink... Sometimes you make yourself believe that tomorrow will be better... although you know that this will happen again and again... Sometimes you look so calm while people in Gaza are butchered... Sometimes you wait for a reaction... you lose patience and curse... you breathe with difficulty... and are puzzled: why have you not yet died from rage?

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  • Mrs. Lamis Mawafi very successfully completed her participation in the »Train-the-Trainer« program which aims to provide German Jordanian University academics with hands-on project experience at one of the German partner universities. During spring semester 2014 she spent a period of 4 months observing, assisting, and teaching in our study program.

    During her stay, Mrs. Lamis Mawafi took full responsibility for a project about »Visual Arts in the Islamic Context« and assumed the duties of planning and teaching the course within our regular program for a group of 20 German and international students. Previous to her arrival she had offered us various possible subjects for her teaching project. We encouraged her to

    To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Mrs. Lamis Mawafi. It was a true pleasure and gain for our faculty to have her with us for one semester.

    Prof. Christine Bernhardt

    Head of Communication Design University of Applied Sciences

  • “I first met Lamis when she was my lecturer in GJU. For me, she symbolizes all the Vital qualities an educator should possess commitment, passion, and genuineness. She is one of the handful of teachers who can make you feel excited about going to class and I would definitely advise that her class is one you shouldn’t miss. Her enthusiasm is mirrored in her students’ willingness to put in the work necessary to successfully pursue this field which she made grow fonder on us.

    Sandra Sayouri

    Graphic Designer at KPMG

  • “I first met Lamis when I was a supervisor for her Masters project. Lamis Embraced many sorts of research both theoretical and practical art making (especially textiles) and created a meaningful project which speaks of confluence between Jordanian and New Zealand cultures. Lamis’s has many design and art skills and these, combined with her personality made her a much loved lecturer at the school of Design. She has the ability to make her students shine.

    Lynn Taylor

    School of Art at Otago Polytechnic

  • “ I first met Lamis in my very first Lecture at the German Jordanian University, and knew straightaway that I wanted her to be my graduation project supervisor in 5 years time. Luckily she not only supervised my graduation project, but also played a very inspiring role throughout my five years at GJU, and was still involved post-graduation.

    She’s the type of mentor who could spot the smallest potential in her students, and who would never cease to push them to their limits. Her creative thought process, and her passion to teach have certainly been a very touching experience. It is enough proof for me that my best projects are the ones she supervised and mentored. She helped me grow and improve professionally, and has helped shape my perspective on design.

    Lamis would be a vital and valuable asset to any organization she works in, and would certainly be the mentor any aspiring student could ever want.”

    Zina Hammad

    Sr. Project Specialist at GAIA